A long-needed website redesign

Tags: maintenance
Sameer Bibikar, November 21, 2023.

I've finally redesigned this website, and it's basically a blog engine now. One reason I wasn't writing much about recent radio activities was that this website was set up only for manual HTML pages. I had to write each article manually in HTML and then push it to the web server. This is fine, but I wanted to have a header and footer, and maybe autogenerate indices.

I wrote some scripts with Python and Jinja2 templates, and before long it turned into a basic blog engine that does exactly what I want and nothing else. This is a fun exercise. Now I have the script automatically generate indices for each tag and category, and one for all blog posts. Old pages with info have been condensed and moved elsewhere. These scripts run statically, so no special web server is required to serve these pages. There are also no interactive elements or admin pages here, so that makes things a lot simpler.

The site design might have minor changes coming in the future, but I am happy with it for now. I've ported over all of the old project articles I had, and all the important info from the old website is still here.

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