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Comparing my first two POTA activations
My first two POTA activations were successful, but I made just 14 QSOs in the first activation, and more than 60 in the second (joint) activation. I'd like to find out why.
The 2023 ARRL Sweepstakes contests at N5EIF
The 2023 Sweepstakes contests were a lot of fun even for a newcomer like me. I made 92 QSOs in the CW Sweepstakes and 19 in the SSB Sweepstakes.
A long-needed website redesign
I've finally redesigned this website, and it's basically a blog engine now.
One reason I wasn't writing much about recent radio activities was that
this website was set up only for manual HTML pages. I had to write each
article manually in HTML and then push it to the web server. This is fine,
but I wanted to have a header and footer, and maybe autogenerate indices.
Softrock RXTX QRPp transceiver
Building a Softrock RXTX all-mode QRPp kit transceiver.
A standalone amplifier based on the QRP Labs 10 W amplifier module
Building an amplifier with built-in T/R switching for full QSK.
A transmit/receive switch
Building a simple T/R switch for full QSK operation with QRP transmitters.
The Michigan Mighty Mite
My first attempt at building a Michigan Mighty Mite QRPp CW transmitter.