
Welcome. The purpose of this website is to share some information about my hobby projects. The focus will likely be on ham radio, but I have other hobbies too. The hope is that this will help me remember what I did in the future, and other newcomers might find some information they need for their own projects. Everything provided is for reference only and the author makes NO GUARANTEES WHATSOEVER. You are encouraged to experiment for yourself and at your own risk! :)

This site forms an electronic supplement to a "lab notebook" that I can easily copy and share. It is written in plain HTML and CSS, which I hope makes it easy to load on browsers modern and ancient. I try to document observations that I made when building or operating in case these might be useful to me or someone else later. I do not guarantee the factual accuracy of anything here, but if you think something is wrong or missing, please let me know (contact info below).

I also try to make an effort to provide some references as to where I got some information. Please let me know if there are other resources, even if not available online, that could be useful to readers of a particular page.


This site started as a single HTML document with a list of projects I could share at university career fairs. It grew to include some stuff about ham radio and music, and that's the main focus now, so in November 2023 I restructured the website to look more like an overgrown blog. See this blog post for more details.


Email me at {my call sign} {at sign} bibikar {dot} net.

Copyright © 2022-2023 Sameer Bibikar. All rights reserved.